Do you want clean diapers and cleaner clothes without bad odors?
Here I explain how to clean and disinfect with hei!® step by step, first remember to "SEARCH AND READ THE USER MANUAL FOR YOUR WASHING MACHINE"
- FOR DRUM CLEANING 1. Choose the washing machine program with the highest temperature or the cleaning cycle and add 1 sachet of 40g of hei!® into the drum.
2. Start the cleaning cycle and allow it to complete the cycle for at least 30-40 minutes.
3. Inspect the inside of the washing machine and check for any mould on the rubber of the washing machine or the inside of the door. Set a rinse and spin cycle to remove any product residue.
If what you need is to clean the exterior, such as the rubber, basket and filters of your washing machine, you can do this:
Mix 20g of hei!® in 1/2 litre of water. Dampen a cloth in the mixture and wring it out. Then, wipe the dirty areas, taking into account the rubber, exterior and basket. Wipe the cloth over the outside of the washing machine.
Rinse the gaskets with a cloth moistened with the hei!® solution, then with clean water and then with a clean, dry cloth.
TIP hei!®: If your washing machine basket has very encrusted detergent or fabric softener residue, look in your manual and uninstall it, let it soak for 40-60 minutes in the mixture of hei!® and water, rinse and put it back in.
Repeat the entire process at least every 2 to 3 months or once a month if you live in a hard water area.
Find hei!® at your nearest distributor, in ML or directly in their online store
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