Cuánto detergente debo usar para lavar mis pañales de tela?

How much detergent should I use to wash my cloth diapers?

The amount of detergent to use to wash my cloth diapers should be calculated according to the manufacturer's instructions, based on the kilos to be washed and adjusting + or - quantity. You can use liquid detergent (soft water) or powder (hard water). Test the type of water you have at home before choosing the detergent you will use in your future washing routine. And avoid changing detergents continuously to avoid causing excess detergent in your baby's diapers.

Zote or any bar soap
These could cause excessive wear on fabrics (chlorine) and reduce their useful life.

⚠️ Pinol, dish soap or vanish can cause allergies in your baby because they contain bleaches, air fresheners and brighteners.

❌ Zote-type soap in any of its versions (bar, flake or liquid) could clog fabrics and cause leaks.

⚠️ These recommendations also apply to facial wipes, butt wipes, absorbent inserts and cloth liners.

For deep washing and disinfection 1 sachet of HEI MX powder treatment designed to care for and disinfect your favorite clothes and 100% compatible with cloth diapers.

👩 💻 Tell us what city you are in, what kind of water you have and what is your favorite detergent? We are sure that your experience will be very useful to some mommy who is starting out in this diaper world.

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En donde vivo tenemos agua dura y nos hemos acomodado con el jabón carisma pero cambia a polvo por lo mismo del tipo de agua, que cantidad debo poner?

Diana Olivo

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