Productos prohibidos para los pañales de tela!

Products prohibited for cloth diapers!

There are many moms writing to me with questions about how to wash cloth diapers, so we will start with the basics and what you should not use on your AlvaBaby® diapers...

❌ No chlorine ❌ No vinegar ❌ .
At home we usually disinfect with chlorine or vinegar, but if you do not measure correctly in diapers, you could damage the pull and springs of the diapers and invalidate warranties.

❌ No soap ❌ Choose a biodegradable reference detergent (yes, detergent is one thing and soap is another).
❌ No bicarbonate ❌ Since it is not necessary and most detergents already contain it as an ingredient.
❌ No dish soap ❌ since its formulation can cause irritation to the baby's skin.
❌ No softeners are used ❌ since the fat from these waterproofs and covers the diapers.
❌ Do not use hot water ❌ causes leaks and delamination of the pull and relaxes the springs.

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