I have always thought that using cloth diapers is a matter of #CONVICTION but if you complement it with #INFORMATION you will never have difficulties.

That's why I'm leaving you the instructions to make your own manual washing machine with a pump or a plunger! 😊

For proper cleaning, cloth diapers need #AGITATION. If you don't have a washing machine or very few diapers, the ideal thing is to use this manual technique...

Here we leave you the instructions and some
TIPS for washing with the plunger, you will need:

* 1 20L bucket or tray
* 1 Plunger or toilet pump (new)
* Enough water
* 1 broomstick
* The biodegradable detergent of your choice

1 - Make about 5 or 6 holes in your plunger so that the water flows while you use it.
✅ You can make the holes with a drill or it's easier if you heat the tip of an X-head screwdriver on the stove and drill through the rubber.

2- Add the detergent you use, measure the amount according to the diapers you are going to wash.
⚠️Use powdered detergent for hard water (as it contains softeners) and liquid detergent for soft water.

3- Separate the diaper inserts and put them together in the bucket or tray. Fill the bucket 3/4 full with water and place the diapers in. I recommend putting 4 to 6 diapers in so they don't fit too tightly and can be washed together.
⚠️If your bucket or tray is large, you can put more diapers.

4- Now, place the broom handle on the plunger, breathe deeply and pump for 8 to 10 minutes (like when you want to unclog the toilet)
⚠️You can stop and start again, remember that shaking is necessary for optimal cleaning.

5.- To rinse, throw away that water and add cleaner water, pump for another 5 minutes and rinse again. If you see foam, I recommend an extra rinse and once you see that there is no excess detergent, it is ready to hang them up and wait for them to dry so you can use them again.

TIP: You can do the #PRE_RINSE (without detergent) with this technique using only water to remove residue.

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